Monday, August 13, 2007

My official birthday today....

Everyone who knows me probably knows I am a Piscean , a proud one at that ....but for some weird reasons , when my dad enrolled me in school , the official birthday was 13th august ...Personally I havent been able to figure out , the good or the bad it has done me , or maybe it just has had no effect ...i believe the most logical reason cud be the lack of a birth certificate when I was born ..the second reason cud be , they just wanted to save me a year - in case i wanted to appear for IAS exams 22 years down the line , now this might sound funny or even far fetched , but believe me , if you are from one particular state in India , namely Bihar (now jharkhand) this would be the most plausible explanation ...cause almost everyone I know has a different birthday on records ...and the lack of birth certificate would not suffice to all cases ...Enuf of a non story ..guess it is time to get to the story of the day ... I wud say it definately is the Paint job ( not the one on my face;-) - , we have a appointment to get the apartment painted ...and i have already called them like 3 times , and they shud be here any moment now .. Now things work differently in US ..I mean there is a appointment for everything damn thing and no human contact so to say ...back in ranchi , if we need a place painted..we call up the guys ..rather ask someone to ask them to come see us ( talk about good old days ) - discuss the color , hoggle about the rates ...and finally end up with something we never expected , things are different over here call u r management office ...they call the painters ...they give the color , specifications and u know they will come over some day and paint..color wud be white ...
so the paint job is underway .and these guys are professionals , to the extremes ...and i kinds like that .i might end up liking US , something that actually scares me ..cause i want to get back to india ..i just feel we r not meant to be here ...and life is fuller in india ...and i say fuller cause ...whatever u do, emptiness creeps up in the us of a ... ..every single thing is routine and u get so used to it that u stop living, and just

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